Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's been a while...

I am going to blame the pregnancy on the reason why I have not updated this thing in so long. The past couple of months I have been very tired and fairly nauseous with little to no appetite. Now rounding out the 1st trimester it is getting much better! I am able to eat much more and have more energy. I will say it has been a wee bit harder this go round I am sure one reason being I am chasing a toddler around! We had our 12 week appointment last week and everything looked great! When I was pregnant with Hayden I had such a strong feeling it was a boy that I was buying boy stuff before we actually found out! This go round I have not had such a strong feeling until our 12 week appointment. The sonogram picture above was from this last appointment and Dr. New pointed out that he or she's legs were crossed at the ankles. Well guess who always crosses their legs at the ankles.... Hayden and daddy. Especially when we are eating, Justin does it sitting in the chair at the kitchen table and Hayden does it sitting in his high chair. So now I kind of think its another little boy already following in his daddy's and brother's footsteps! We should soon find out at our next appointment the beginning of January!
In the meantime, Hayden is just growing up right before our very eyes! He got his first "big boy" haircut, which really does make him look like a big boy. He is running everywhere, starting to say more words here and there and continues to LOVE playing outside. We are very excited about Christmas coming up and getting to spend a lot of time with all of our family, especially Hayden's new baby cousin Thomas!
Also, sad to admit but picture taking has slowed way down. I can again partially blame that on the pregnancy for the past couple of months being tired and lazy. But also it seems as though whenever I do get the camera out he is on the move so fast that I can't even get a decent one!
These are a few that our friend Steven took for us to use on our Christmas cards. Only to be a fly on the wall to see Justin, Kelly (Steven's wife) and I and what we were doing to get Hayden to look and smile at the camera!! It was quite a site!

Merry Christmas!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers