Hayden now weights almost 30 lbs!! He has all of his teeth until two year old molars. He has offically had his first ear infection. He continues to do well in and loves going to swim lessons. He has become quite the little book worm, he LOVES to "read" books and have books read to him. He is not talking quite as much as I thought he would by now but I am sure it will come. It is so amazing just watching him grow and develop everyday into his own little personality. He is pretty shy when he gets around people and kiddos he doesn't know but warms up eventually. He also gives the best kisses ever! He is such a fun-loving little boy.
Just like everyone else we have been spending a lot of time inside lately, especially since Hayden was not a huge fan of the snow. We did get in Hayden's first time to the zoo right before all of the cold weather hit. We are ready for warmer weather to say the least!
wasn't a big fan of the gloves either!
being silly we daddy's hat on
what got us through the snow/ice week....
lots of books...
bringing in outside toys...
and best of all cuddleing...