Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 months!

So this past Friday we went for little (i use this word not in the literal sense) Hayden's four month check-up! She said everything is looking great! We do have a little bit of a flat head but I am just hoping with more sitting and being upright it will round out... we shall see.
Mr. Hayden weighted 17.9 lbs, 93% and was 27.5 inches which was off the charts!
We also started some cereal since I got the go ahead from the pediatrician. Not sure why they say starting solid foods doesn't help sleeping, cause he slept 8.5 hours that night, and has been sleeping much longer since then!
He is starting to roll from his stomach to his back, he is trying to move forward when on his belly but instead goes backwards and in circles! I think we are going to have to baby proof the house a little sooner than I expected! He can sit with his hands propped on the ground too!! He is laughing more and more, which just melts my heart! He is just growing and growing so much, we are continued to be blessed daily by all the joy he is giving us!

seldom do i see those feet out of those hands!
not sure what to think about this!


Emily said...

I just love that sweet smiling boy! So glad the solid foods are helping with sleep!

Lizze said...

What a sweet smile! Congrats on the sleeping. I am looking forward to Carter sleeping that long again some day ;-)

Rikki said...

your blog header is so cute! the santa pic is great!

enjoy your new sleep routine!

Amanda said...

Isn't sleep GREAT?!?! I swear the cereal and solid foods helped us, too. I can't believe how big he is getting! We have to get these kids together sometime soon - before he outgrows Madie!!

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