Friday, March 19, 2010

just for fun!

who me?

the bed is now lowered all the way to the toddler bed setting!

first time swinging! needless to say he loved it!

with the shirt that mommy and daddy brought back for me from vegas... ps it was hard to find a shirt that was his size, anything in 12 month size is a onesie there!

each and everyday just gets better and better even when that doesn't seem possible!


Katie said...

He is so so cute! I think he is going to be an athlete with those good motor skills! :)

Kendra said...

SO STINKIN' CUTE!! Isn't it a fun age?? I love 6-9 months. Actually, they are all fun ages - for different reasons and with different challenges. Enjoy - to say it flies by is the understatement of a lifetime. And I'm only going on 9 years of being a mom!!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers