Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Friends Forever

In organizing my videos I came upon this first one of Hayden and Jaelynn when they were 5 and 7 months old. Can't believe how much they change in a little over a year! The second one was taken just a few weeks ago.
We are so very blessed to have friends so close and to be able to watch each others kiddos and not have to pay for daycare. It has been so much fun watching these two grow and develop over the past two years and become the best of friends!

Keep scrolling down for another video of brother and sister taking their first bath together!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh my, that is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. They are so sweet together! Jaelynn hasn't changed much in terms of being the conversationalist and Hayden is still watching out for her like always. He is just so sweet because he always tries to make her happy. I pray they always stay the best of friends. Love those two to pieces and so thankful for you guys and your friendship.

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