Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a wonderful and productive weekend. Friday the girls from work threw me a baby shower and showered Hayden and I with lots of fun stuff! All of the last little things that we had not gotten off of our registry as well as the cutest clothes ever!! I have truly been blessed to work in the facility that I have been working in the past two years with such wonderful women. I have not only learned sooo much professionally but have gained lots of friends that I know will last a lifetime. I am so sad we did not get a group picture from the shower, I totally meant to! Anyways, thanks to all of you girls for everything, the shower was so much fun and Hayden is definitely going to be stylin! I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life! I also look forward to joining the play dates!!
The rest of the weekend Justin and I spent cleaning the house, assembling all of the baby gear, washing all of his clothes, and putting the finishing touches on his room, all it needs now is the little guy! We are so excited and can't wait for his arrival. Please keep us in your prayers the next several weeks as we just patiently await God's plan for his arrival.
Here are some pics of the final outcome.


Lizze said...

So cute! I love the nursery! It was great seeing you Friday - we will have to have more girls' nights!

Amanda said...

Sooo cute! Love everything y'all have done to the nursery! And I bet you had fun putting everything together, too! Btw, where did you get the brown bag with his name? I've been wanting to get an embroidered one for Madie for daycare.

Rikki said...

i love the colors and the guitar theme! and the polka-dotted letters look great! nice job!

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